November Update

November Update

This past months been busy here at the Orphanage


Visit from Doctors and Nutritionists.

Some of the kids received vaccines and all the children were weighed. They also took part in a talk regarding information on nutrition. Most of them are a decent size and weight. Similarly, on the 18th a dentist visited to check the children’s teeth.

Gifts from United States.

Our directors, Fidel and Charito, returned to Caranavi from their Hope Tour in the USA on the 11th bringing small gifts for everybody to enjoy (too much weight on candies…). The kids also received t-shirts, thanks to the generosity from a very dear sister.


We celebrated “Thanksgiving” on the 25th by thanking the Lord for his kindness and love for us.

Closure of the School year

The last week of November many closing activities for the school year were held at “Vida y Verdad” School ( Life and Truth School). Numerous children participated in presentations. We are pleased to inform that all our students were promoted to the next level!